If you can’t be one, marry one, a doctor that is.  Momma was right,  they make the most money.

 "Forbes" just put out a list of the best and worst paying jobs in America, nine of the top ten are in the medical field, number ten is CEO.


Andrei Malov/ThinkStock
Andrei Malov/ThinkStock


The best paying job in the U.S. is anesthesiologist, with an average salary of $235,070-a-year.   Sounds easy, all you have to do is put patients to sleep for surgery and make sure nothing you do kills them!


Top salaries after anesthesiologist, go to surgeon, oral surgeon, OB/GYN, orthodontist, internist, other miscellaneous physicians, general practitioner, psychiatrist, CEO.


All 10 jobs average at least $175,000-a-year.  They need it to pay back those student loans!


And then we have the starter jobs that you don't want to stick with for too long, because nobody makes any money where you see this sign, except maybe the CEO at the fast food corporation.

Steve Everts/ThinkStock
Steve Everts/ThinkStock


The worst paying job is fast food cook, at $18,870-a-year.  That averages out to about $9-an-hour.  That is definitely incentive to find something better.


The 10 worst paying jobs are fast food cook, general fast food worker, shampooer, dishwasher, food service cashier, restaurant hostess, busboy, farm worker, amusement park worker, and movie usher.  All 10 make less than $10-an-hour.


Best 10 reason around to go to college or trade school!




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