I'm surprised the cartel's haven't started using this song. I bet if drugs become legal it'll make a comeback.

Growing up, I, like everyone else in the world, was a Coke drinker. It was what we drank, besides Shasta. But one day, I switched to Pepsi. I don’t know why, I guess it was a challenge or something.

But really the reason I switched was because I couldn’t sing. I had this next song on the cassette because it was the catchiest commercial ever. And as I was singing along I realized, I couldn’t sing in perfect harmony.

I ejected the cassette, pulled over to a Choke & Puke (convenience store) and grabbed a Pepsi. I made the switch back to Coke when New Coke came out, but I was the only one.

The New Seekers did hold a place on my cassette for a while, but if I taught the world to sing, nobody would be singing. They’d just be storing guns and drugs in their house and telling the cops to get a warrant.


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