Tampa International Airport Folks are pretty cool, when Hobbes the stuffed tiger got left behind, the airport folks made him feel at home until he was reunited with Cal..., I mean Owen.


The plane to Houston, had already left the gate when six-year-old Owen Lake realized he’d left his friend Hobbes, at the airport in Tampa, Florida. Owen’s grandmother made the toy tiger to look just like the one in the comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes.”

Of course Owen was worried, so his mom called Tampa International to report the missing tiger. She discovered that the staff didn’t just find Hobbes they also took him on an airport adventure.  It's all on the Tampa International Facebook page.

Here he is with a Ramp Guy.


hobbes the tiger with airplane man
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


Hobbes finds out who handles that airport foam. It's this guy


Hobbes the Tiger and an airport fireman
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


He helped deliver some luggage.


Hobbes the tiger and cart man
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


Hung around with some ladies who were looking at a computer screen.


Hobbes the tiger and computer
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


Too bad he is too stuffed for gelato!  Ha Ha Ha! Get it Stuffed?  I kill myself!


hobbes the tiger and gelato showcase
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


And you can't take an airport tour without checking out the control tower!


Hobbes the tiger and control tower 2
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


Hobbes wanted to share his adventure with Owen so the man who gave him the tour, Airport Operations Manager Tony D’Aiuto paid for a picture book that he gave to Owen when the boy came home to Florida.


Hobbes the tiger airport picture book
Photo Courtesy Tampa International Facebook


Tony, I don't know about Owen, But I Love You!




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