Here, the tale of a true leader!  Yeah verily, the internet openth up and one has but to look inside to spy upon the vast width, breadth and all encompassing scope of modern man, a veritable tapestry unfolding before you, populated with the very heights that mankind has reached in this, the digital age, an era of renaissance, of instant access to a total vision of your world, aggregated, complied and others ten letter words that all pretty much mean the same thing. And from that vast crazed electronic peninsula, I bring you...DIGGY!


(Sorry. I seem to have screen captured the wrong thing. Standby...)

Here we go. DIGGY!


Yes, Diggy, a paragon of our times, a vision of where we are as a society, a large turning weather vane spinning round on the roof of time in the wind of the...something-

Moving. Just moving. Like a gypsy sifting through the tealeaves that sees the end of days, our Diggy hauls a load of crap out of her purse and thereby sets the road forward for human and big blowsy internet chicks alike...


Diggy comments on SOCIETAL MORAYS!

Diggy discusses taking over the world while these haters gettin' mad!

Moving. So moving. Step aside Oprah. Go home, Maury Povich. There's a new queen in town. If we truly endeavor, as a race, as a planet, as a rutabaga, to put aside our petty differences, our day to day ignorances, and come together as one, under the warm guidance and wisdom of the one they called Diggy, truly we can turn this world's fate around and keep from plunging our earth into chaos and destruction before falling world first into the sun as billions and billions die screaming in horrible agony before all is silence and the universe returns to whatever it was before we came along and mucked things up.

and the billions will now whisper unto themselves, "Diggy." And the path will be clear.

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